Your Sound, Our Craft !




Article 1 - Introduction

These general terms and conditions of sale (GTCS) govern the contractual relationship between Emmanuel Marcoux EI, located at 113 rue de Maubeuge, 59138 Bachant, reachable at 07 45 25 34 49 and by email at (hereinafter referred to as "the Service Provider"), and users (hereinafter referred to as "the Clients") of the online audio mixing service (hereinafter referred to as "the Service"). By using the Service, Clients acknowledge having read, understood, and accepted these GTCS in their entirety.

Article 2 - Description of the Service

The offered services consist of an online audio mixing service. Audio mixing services include the processing and enhancement of stereo audio files in accordance with professional quality standards. Three packages are available:

  1. Single Pack: mixing and mastering of one track at the price of €129.
  2. EP Pack: mixing and mastering of 4 tracks at the price of €460.
  3. Albums Pack: mixing and mastering of 12 tracks at the price of €1290.

We also offer a test of our audio mixing service for an amount of €29, valid for any first order. This test includes an excerpt from your track and allows clients to familiarize themselves with the quality of our work before proceeding with a full purchase. If you decide to purchase one of our packages after the test, the €29 will be deducted from the total cost. In the event of no purchase, please note that no refund of the €29 will be possible.

Clients have the option to request a customized quote if none of the packages meets their specific needs. The price indicated for each package or service is expressed in euros excluding tax (VAT not applicable, Article 293b of the CGI).

Please note that the album, EP, and single packs are intended to be used in a single transaction. Any unused credit cannot be carried over or retained for future use, and no refund will be granted for unused credits. For example, if you purchase an album pack with 12 mixing tracks and you only have 10 tracks to mix, the remaining 2 tracks cannot be used at a later date. We encourage you to select the pack that exactly meets your needs or to request a quote.

Article 3 - Orders and Payment

3.1 Orders

Clients can place an order using the mixing form available on the Service Provider's website. Required details include the choice of the package, the number of tracks, and the corresponding audio files. Clients send their files via Wetransfer and provide the Wetransfer download link in the mixing form.

3.2 Payment

Clients must make full payment for the chosen service in advance. Payment can be made securely online or by bank transfer. In the case of a bank transfer, Clients must indicate the reference specified by the service provider during the transfer. The mixing work will commence upon receipt of the payment.

Article 4 - Delivery Times

Delivery times vary depending on the type of service chosen by the client. Here are the estimated delivery times for each analog audio mixing package:

  1. Single Pack (one track): 48-hour turnaround time.
  2. EP Pack (4 tracks): 72-hour turnaround time.
  3. Albums Pack (12 tracks): One-week turnaround time.
  4. Mixing Test: 72-hour turnaround time.

The service provider will strive to meet these deadlines, but cannot be held responsible for delays caused by circumstances beyond its control.

Article 5 - Revisions

Clients are entitled to two free revisions per track. These revisions allow for minor modifications to mixed tracks, such as volume or equalization adjustments, in accordance with the Client's instructions. Revisions must be requested within seven days after receiving the mixed tracks.

Beyond this number of free revisions, additional charges of €15 per revision per track will be applied. The Client will be informed of these additional charges and must give consent before revisions are made.

Article 6 - Right of Withdrawal

In accordance with applicable law, Clients have a withdrawal period of 14 days from the date of placing the order to exercise their right of withdrawal. However, given the nature of the service provided (provision of audio mixing services), Clients expressly waive their right of withdrawal once the audio mixing work has begun. Therefore, no refund will be made once the mixing work has commenced.

Article 7 - Intellectual Property

The Client warrants to the Service Provider that they hold all necessary rights to the provided audio files. The Service Provider undertakes to respect the intellectual property rights of the Client and to use the provided audio files only for the purpose of providing audio mixing services. The Service Provider acquires no ownership rights over the audio files provided by the Client.

Article 8 - Confidentiality

The Service Provider undertakes to treat all information provided by the Client in the context of the service provision confidentially and not to disclose it to any third party without the prior authorization of the Client.

Article 9 - Limitation of Liability

The Service Provider will make every effort to provide quality services. However, the Client acknowledges that audio mixing is a subjective process and that results may vary based on personal preferences and the playback equipment used. Therefore, the Service Provider cannot guarantee a specific result and cannot be held responsible for the Client's personal preferences or the quality of the playback equipment used by the Client.

Article 10 - Changes to the GTCS

The Service Provider reserves the right to modify these GTCS at any time. Changes to the GTCS will be published on the Service Provider's website. Clients will be informed of any changes to the GTCS when placing their next order and must accept the new GTCS to proceed with the order.

Article 11 - Complaints Handling

In case of complaints regarding our audio mixing services, we have established a procedure to handle complaints fairly and efficiently.

  1. Receipt of Complaints: Complaints must be addressed to our customer service by email or phone as soon as possible. We acknowledge receipt of each complaint within 48 business hours.

  2. Review and Response: We carefully examine the information provided by the Client and commit to responding within ten business days. We explain the steps taken to resolve the issue and propose a solution or compensation if necessary.

  3. Solutions and Compensation: In case of an error or fault on our part, we commit to correcting the situation. Corrective measures may include additional revisions, a new mixing session, a partial refund, or an appropriate solution.

  4. Confidentiality: All complaints and information provided by the Client are treated confidentially and are not disclosed to third parties, unless necessary for the processing of the complaint or in case of legal obligation.

Article 12 - Applicable Law, Jurisdiction, and Mediation

13.1 Applicable Law

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are subject to French law. Any dispute or difference arising from the interpretation or execution of these conditions will be governed by French law.

13.2 Jurisdiction

In case of a dispute arising from these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, the French courts will have exclusive jurisdiction.

13.3 Consumer Mediation

In accordance with articles L.616-1 and R.616-1 of the Consumer Code, our company has set up a consumer mediation system. The chosen mediation entity is: CNPM - MEDIATION - CONSUMER. In case of a dispute, you can file your complaint on its website: or by postal mail by writing to CNPM - MEDIATION - CONSUMER - 27 Avenue de la Libération 42400 SAINT-CHAMOND.