Your Sound, Our Craft !





This website is published by Emmanuel Marcoux EI


Trade name: Audio Linea Studio

Legal name: Emmanuel Marcoux EI

Address: 113 rue de Maubeuge - 59138 Bachant - France

Phone: 06 50 32 65 43


SIRET: 980 145 031 00012

APE Code: 59.20Z


Publication Manager: Emmanuel Marcoux


Website Hosting:


2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France


Protection of Personal Data:

Personal information collected on this site is processed in accordance with our privacy policy. For more information on the collection, use, and protection of your personal data, please refer to our privacy policy.


Intellectual Property:

All content on this site, such as text, images, videos, logos, is the exclusive property of Emmanuel Marcoux EI or its partners. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, or use of this content without prior authorization is strictly prohibited.


External Links:

This site may contain links to external websites. We disclaim any responsibility for the content of these external sites and any damages that may result from their use.


Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:

These legal notices are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute, French courts shall have sole jurisdiction.

For any questions or requests regarding legal notices, please contact us at the email address mentioned above.

These legal information may be subject to change, so we encourage you to check them regularly.